I have chosen to include an emblem for each Discourse page. This is my emblem for my Career Discourse; the Director. It is what I aspire to be and am training to do. I know this because of what I learned in creating my Career Discourse page.
In my Discourse page I examined my second Counter-strike film, Kill Jhug 2. I focused on the process of creating the film and the techniques used within. Through this in-depth examination, I was able to find what exactly I enjoyed about making movies and the gratification of finishing a project such as this. With that knowledge, I was able to find out what I would truly want to do as my career.
I have always been a movie guy. I have a burgeoning movie collection that is becoming quite respectable with many more on the wish-list. I love movies so much that I bought the first DVD player in my family. I didn't quite know what I loved about movies when I first became a fanatic, I just knew how much I loved to escape from reality for two hours in a dark room. Movies were my way of getting away from the stress and anxiety of school and work. Some people lose themselves in a good book, I prefer a good film.
Movies like Pulp Fiction and Star Wars were huge influences on me as a kid. They opened my eyes to the possibilities of film and narrative. In film, there is nothing more integral to a great movie than its story and the characters involved with it. Stories keep the viewer interested, guessing about whats to come and includes characters who we can sympathize or connect with in one way or another. In the past few years the "anti-hero" has become very popular in film. Characters need to be grounded for the story to seem feasible and for the audience to get into the flick. We are meant to associate the characters with ourselves and find deeper meanings within their dialogue and actions.
Because of the associations I found in the characters I have enjoyed over the years, I was able to see the hidden connections I had with my friends and family. My Extended Family is the most important part of my life, without a doubt. They are my support, my criticism and my punishment. Thankfully I was able to see this very important part of my life thanks to my film affection, although not wholly because of it. The film industry deserves a lot of credit, but I have to give myself some at the same time. I said film industry, what I meant was the director. Without him the film is nothing. The very essence of a movie derives solely from the director at the helm. He gives a meaningless stack of paper soul and heart. He brings scripts to life.
The director is regarded as being the most important person on-set. Although screenplay writers and other personnel are entirely necessary ingredients in creating a film, the heart and soul of the movie is brought to life straight from the director's mind. He is the captain of the team leading the cast and crew on a voyage through his perspective. I chose the director to be my Career emblem not only because he embodies my career choice, but because of the leadership abilities and confidence he must possess. So many people depend on the director for leadership, however small it may be, for direction.
These elements kept me very interested as a kid and kept me watching as many movies as I could. I was so intrigued with film and it's story-telling capabilities that I created a few of my own. I have a feeling Kill Jhug will be the first of a large collection of Huggins films.
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